Cities Alliance |
"The future of slums can be projected in two entirely different variants: slums of hope, and slums of despair. Based on the
prevalent trends, despite some successes which could be termed as ‘best practices’ in formulating slum policies, slums have continued growing in the urban regions of the developing world."
"The need of the hour is to focus on a more comprehensive approach that will integrate factors of emergence and growth of slums and at the same time cooperate with different stakeholders responsible for addressing slum problem. The most striking outcome of past and existing slum policies and strategies are their short sightedness with respect to housing needs in urban regions."
"Governments need a paradigm shift in attitude by looking at the poor settlements not as part of the problem but as part of the solution and look at the poor not as beneficiaries but primary actors of their own development, key tenets of slum upgrading and enabling approaches."